Show Your Pretend Platformer Screenshot

This is my pretend platformer. It’s the very exciting game about bringing boxes from one side of the hole to the other. But, as you can obviously see here, this player has just angered the giant purple fly kind of monster (better known as Jerry), so his box-bringing days are surely over soon.

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Welcome to the community!

Amazing storyline, I love how nicely crafted the monster is(kinda looks like a giant fly), and the scene is nicely presented with the main character,boxes,monster, and layout, great job!

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Here’s mine

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Welcome to the community!

I like what you did with the ground and the clouds look really good, great job!

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This is my pretend platformer (actually, this is fighting =)). Wanted to pay tribute to one of my favourite game series.


Welcome to the community!

I love the amount of details you put into this, the players looks great, the scene looks amazing, and the clouds and moon just adds to the great scene, wonderful job!

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Welcome to the community!

I love the music note and the microphone, amazing job!

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This is my pretend platformer

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Welcome to the community!

I love all of the level design that you have, your scene has lots for the player with all of the spikes, platforms, and even a finish line, great job!

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Welcome to the community!

I really like what you did with the mushrooms, great level design as well, amazing work!

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alien’s up

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Welcome to the community!

I like what you did with the player and how there’s a rope that you can swing from, amazing job!

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Welcome to the community!

I love all of the obstacles in your game, can’t wait to see what you create in the future!

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Really excited for this course!

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Welcome to the community!

I love your platformer, can’t wait to see what you create in the course!

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Giving my age away here, but here is my version of Hunchback on the BBC Micro that I spent wayyy too long on in my yoof

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Looking great, I like all of the obstacles and the scene looks nice in general, great job!


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