Show Your Pretend Platformer Screenshot


Nice job!

Here’s my pretend platformer.

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Welcome to the community!

I really like the colors that you went with, and I think the black character has a good contrast to the rest of the scene, nice job!

Thanks Christopher!

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My pretend platformer LOL :slight_smile:

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Looks great! Kinda reminds me of Geometry Dash when I played way back, the ball mode in that game looks almost just like this, love the idea!

Heres mine! Ball instead of man, because ball platformers are fun

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Welcome to the community!

Ball platformers are quite fun, great job creating your pretend platformer!

it’s hard to jump if you are a crystal shaped hero

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Welcome to the community!

I love all of the vibrant colors you have in your scene, wonderful job!

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my attempt :slight_smile:

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Looks great, I particularly like the rope swing because you have the illusion that it’s swinging, great job!

Here’s mine!

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Welcome to the community!

I love what you’ve got going so far, would be pretty cool to see this turn into a playable game!

Banger alert:

Welcome to the community!

Nice design, gonna be pretty hard for the player to reach the top, lol, overall really nice design, and it’ll be hearing to see how this turns into a game, nice job!

Here’s mine

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I really like the clouds, amazing job!

Im making a pirate platformer

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