ShooterCharacter Pressureplate?

So I am trying to set pressureplate on shooterCharacter so when it overlaps with the trigger volume, the player will regen health. However when I do

	ATriggerVolume *PressurePlate;

And try to set pressureplate in the details, it gives me error

LogProperty: Warning: Illegal TEXT reference to a private object in external package (TriggerVolume /Game/SandBox.SandBox:PersistentLevel.PressurePlate) from referencer (BP_Player_C /Game/BP_Player.Default__BP_Player_C).  Import failed...
LogProperty: Warning: Illegal TEXT reference to a private object in external package (TriggerVolume /Game/SandBox.SandBox:PersistentLevel.PressurePlate) from referencer (BP_Player_C /Engine/Transient.World_10:PersistentLevel.BP_Player_C_0).  Import failed...
LogProperty: Warning: Illegal TEXT reference to a private object in external package (TriggerVolume /Game/SandBox.SandBox:PersistentLevel.PressurePlate) from referencer (BP_Player_C /Engine/Transient.World_6:PersistentLevel.BP_Player_C_1).  Import failed...

Is this a correct approach to do so? If so how should I implement this?

Thanks in advance!

Where are you trying to set that? I suspect you’re trying to do that in the blueprint. A blueprint doesn’t exist in the world, you can’t assign something that does exist in the world inside of the blueprint.

Yeah in blue print. But I can set it for the door. How should I do this instead?

Use a pain causing volume with negative damage.

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Should I implement it in c++ similar to triigervolume so that I can do something like if it overlaps the player, the pain volume should be deactive? Also by setting damage per sec to negative number does not work

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