Shadow Stalkers WIP

Just wanted to update people that i havent abandoned this project but rather temporarily put it on hold.
This is due to my children being ill and myself also not being well.
When this happens its best to put things on hold until everyone is fit and well and i can devote time to coding without being bunged up myself.

I will be returning to this at some point but it may be after the christmas period now as the schools break up on friday.

I hope that that your childen gets better as soon as possible @Marc_Carlyon! Looking forward to see how Shadow Stalkers will come out to be.

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Ditto what Johnny says, hope you all feel better soon and we’ll look forward to the next instalment soon :slight_smile:

Thanks Guys,

Holidays have hit but we seem to be over the worst of the bugs in the house. I managed to sneak on the pc and am doing small amounts in the evenings.
Mostly still working out level sequencer and Unreal actually has a nice tutorial within their documents.
Work in progress but the video so far is below. Will apply this knowledge to Shadow Stalkers when i finish the tutorial.

Final Sequence for the Unreal Tutorial now to apply knowledge.


So since playing with level sequencer things got rather busy as some may know but I am back at it.
Found some tunes which really help whilst fleshing out levels.
Pushing hard now to get the basic levels fleshed out and then back in for the technical stuff followed by making it look pretty.
Feeling the BURN!

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Nice sounds, man.

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