Shadow Stalkers WIP

Ooh thats a bit sweet with out having to add anything yourself. Did it just stand their facing the door or drop.back into another state and say maybe turn around to face the other way?

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What he is programmed to do via blueprint is select the waypoint, Move to it, Wait 3 seconds (+/-2), Continue to next way point.
I the video the waypoint is the other side of the door and the door can only be opened by a trigger volume on the same side as the waypoint.
Its like he tries, Realises he cant get there and goes into the wait state and then moves on!

Extremely powerful engine!

And just as a treat :wink:
WATCH AT YOUR OWN RISK :stuck_out_tongue:



Mostly working on the Dining Room and Library sections although they are far from finished a lot of work has been done with lighting.
My favourite screenshot of they day


Update Day

Been working behind the scenes a lot recently with refactoring and following Sams latest videos .
Spotted future issues in that we cant do the UI like we did in battle tank and this creates a major stumbling block at the moment. (Hopefully this will tie in with the health and damage lectures to come)
Started playing with the sequencer and made the first cut scene. (Video below)
The sequencer as yet still does not export sounds sadly and is on their to do list (Video is from in game so has sounds)

Player gets knocked out.


I have since got the video sequence to end at the floor and load the next level/sequence rather than respawning the player. (oops)

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It is Looking very good so far @Marc_Carlyon! looking forward into playing it!
Just a question, what is knocking the player out ?

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Unconscious, The player got hit in the back of the head and leaned forward, sways a bit then falls to the floor :slight_smile:

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Added fade to the level sequence and destroyed the actor so gun is not appearing in the scene.
Had to set up a ResetFade level squence for the start menu to turn off the fade applied else everything is black.

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That’s looking really good… definitely has the feeling of being knocked out…


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Game Dev Update.
Taken a little hiatus due to kids being sick at present. (Just so you know i havent abandoned the project just delayed a bit)
Minor graphical fixes.
In the last video forgot i added placemarkers added for UI although i could do the health and damage system from this it would be blueprint and prefer to see what Sam does with it first.
Level design on hold as wondering if a transistion scene is needed to expand existing map before moving to new area. (Ie hotel rooms loaded in a level seperate rather than tagged on to the existing map.)
Will be pushing more from Tuesday onwards (Kids health depending)

I like the sound of that :slight_smile:

I was going to say yesterday, but refrained in case I was suggesting things that were too complex, but now you’ve mentioned that… hehe… Not sure what the story is etc, but I’m guessing something along the lines of, “wake up, in a strange place, try to escape” (massively overly simplified nutshell version!)… just struck me yesterday that you video of being knocked unconscious would be quite interesting as a “how the story starts” type of video… maybe quite happily walking in some nice woodland area or whatever… here something… stop, look around… nothing… go again… hear the noise again… stop… look around… still nothing… then on the third time… thwack… fade to black… wake up in your first level :slight_smile:

Just an idea… not really part of the game play as such but was inspired from your video content above :slight_smile:

I think you have a pretty good read on me and game design lol.
My intentions are to expand what i have but not progress much into a new area and yes the being knocked out is the link to that.
I plan to do the transistions to the hotel rooms with puzzles to get to the final area and leave it at that as the alpha test/demo.

I am being a little tight lipped on storyline here but i have a cunning plan :smiley:

Fully understand, no worries, I appreciate people don’t always like to give too much of their ideas away. Really like the sound of feel of what you are doing though, looking forwards to having a go in due course :slight_smile:

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New update video!

Bugs to fix but waiting on Sam a little here (crouch is now a pain as it broke as did the flashlight as attached to gun.)
Gun and arms can push though walls (annoying)
Aiming needs to be fixed.

Hope you enjoy what i have so far

Just wanted to update people that i havent abandoned this project but rather temporarily put it on hold.
This is due to my children being ill and myself also not being well.
When this happens its best to put things on hold until everyone is fit and well and i can devote time to coding without being bunged up myself.

I will be returning to this at some point but it may be after the christmas period now as the schools break up on friday.

I hope that that your childen gets better as soon as possible @Marc_Carlyon! Looking forward to see how Shadow Stalkers will come out to be.

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Ditto what Johnny says, hope you all feel better soon and we’ll look forward to the next instalment soon :slight_smile:

Thanks Guys,

Holidays have hit but we seem to be over the worst of the bugs in the house. I managed to sneak on the pc and am doing small amounts in the evenings.
Mostly still working out level sequencer and Unreal actually has a nice tutorial within their documents.
Work in progress but the video so far is below. Will apply this knowledge to Shadow Stalkers when i finish the tutorial.

Final Sequence for the Unreal Tutorial now to apply knowledge.


So since playing with level sequencer things got rather busy as some may know but I am back at it.
Found some tunes which really help whilst fleshing out levels.
Pushing hard now to get the basic levels fleshed out and then back in for the technical stuff followed by making it look pretty.
Feeling the BURN!

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Nice sounds, man.

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