Seeking help with error

Hi, I’m relatively new to unreal and I am developing my first game on the platform
I recently coded a day/night cycle for my game, but had the following error pop up whiles testing:

Blueprint Runtime Error: “Accessed None trying to read property Vehicle Movement Component”. Node: Update Gear Graph: EventGraph Function: Execute Ubergraph Vehicle Player Controller Blueprint: VehiclePlayerController

the camera just teleports to 0,0 and nothing happens. But at least the daylight cycle works.

I am working with the chaos vehicles plugin

I already tried to revert to an older save but since I made i custom install location for Unreal Engine and my project I can’t seem to find the backups

Sorry if this question either really easy to fix or just stupid, but I am at a loss.

Also, I don’t know if I’m allowed to ask non course specific questions but thought I’d give it a try.

That error would imply that there’s no “Vehicle Movement Component” on the player controller and that is happening within UpdateGear.

You’re allowed to ask, you’re just not guaranteed an answer from a TA.

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