Hi, I’m relatively new to unreal and I am developing my first game on the platform
I recently coded a day/night cycle for my game, but had the following error pop up whiles testing:
Blueprint Runtime Error: “Accessed None trying to read property Vehicle Movement Component”. Node: Update Gear Graph: EventGraph Function: Execute Ubergraph Vehicle Player Controller Blueprint: VehiclePlayerController
the camera just teleports to 0,0 and nothing happens. But at least the daylight cycle works.
I am working with the chaos vehicles plugin
I already tried to revert to an older save but since I made i custom install location for Unreal Engine and my project I can’t seem to find the backups
Sorry if this question either really easy to fix or just stupid, but I am at a loss.
Also, I don’t know if I’m allowed to ask non course specific questions but thought I’d give it a try.