Section 4 - Chess scene lighting test

First is cycles, second is evee.

This is what I came up with amidst the video, before seeing Mike’s solution.
I am not happy with what is going on here. Shapes and shadows are so muddy and shapeless, it’s infuriating. I tried area lights here, really turning down the lights power trying to achieve some good shadows, but to no avail. I found that larger screen gives relatively better dispersed shadows than a smaller one. Changing cube size in shadow settings for the render properties does not produce much noticeable difference. The soft shadow setting is on.
Question for more experienced people - is working shadows in small scales always this cumbersome?
The only reason for me going into so much detailed ramble is maybe my experience will come in handy for somebody else. Cheers!


Area lights will give softer shadows, sharper shadows need a smaller light origin. Then once you have several lights they start to fill in the other light’s shadows.

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If you are using Eevee then, yes.

Most things in Eevee are turned off (ambient, contact shadows).
And have a default setup for human-size scenes.
Zooming in on detail like a chess play.
You need to tweak properties.

Also, be sure your object’s scale is one (apply scale).

It’s fun to play with color lights, but generating havoc on your scene. More experiences needed.

Use a sun lamp and change the sun angle for softer shadows.
If point lamps, increase size. Set light further away and increase wattage for even shadows.


Thank you for a rather detailed and thoughtful answer - really appreciate that!

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i am no pro but i think Light power should be decreased and the shadow distance or radius set to 0!

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