Section 2 - Extruding Challenge

I felt like my first project for the extrude challenge didn’t meet my personal standards, so I decided to do another to get more practice. The one I did first is the second picture. Overall, though I don’t much care for them, I do feel like the extrusion challenge has provided a solid foundation moving forward.


Very good job! Pat yourself on the back!

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They looked great practice of extruding. You will have a good idea of how to use that now.


Wasn’t sure what to color this, so I just went with what my gut told me to do. Still not entirely happy with it, but I could spend all day hemming and hawing over it, but I like where I stopped either way.


Yes, it’s better to do many small and different projects. Just learn all the Blender ins and outs.
Don’t stick too long at a challenge. You can always go back to and idea or project with more Blender skills.
Design, etc. will come at a later moment.


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