Section 2_25: Solo Challenge

It wasn’t too bad overall, though I did run into a few hiccups.

-Early on a misplaced curly bracket invalidated a bunch of my code. It took a minute to sort where it missing. Caused by a bad keystroke in VS. I probably could have “undone” it, but I don’t think I noticed it immediately.

-I wasn’t happy with my output originally. On each password guess it would print as follows.
password input
Enter your password:
Incorrect Password/Congrats (depending on correct guess or not)
I had to think about where the Term.WriteLines were and just move them a bit.

-Lastly, the code is just kind of a mess and cumbersome atm. I think I’ll sit with it for now though. Spending too much time on it to have it unravel in a few more lessons seems moot. Excited to personalize a bit closer to the end though.

Pasted a portion of what I’ve got below. It’s part of the OnUserInput if statement. Duplicated code for level 2 and 3 with the obvious required changes.

else if (currentScreen == Screen.Password && level == 1)
            if (input == easyPW)
            else if (input == "menu" || input == "Menu")
                Terminal.WriteLine("Incorrect Password.\n" +
                    "Enter your password: ");

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