Section 1 Lesson 14 challenge - Car

My first rendered scene in Blender :slight_smile: Managed to mess up something so I couldn’t adjust the lights, so I had to render the scene in Eevee. The lights were too weak in Cycles renderer. I had some frustrations with navigation in the scene and not understanding all the linking / parenting stuff. Glad that I did the exercise anyway because I got used to the scaling tools and so on!


Great work!
We all have been there, scaling, frustration with Blender.
But, mostly due to misunderstanding how Blender works.
Follow the steps in the lectures. You will learn to cope with al sorts of Blender behaviours.

Thanks mate, I will carry on with the course :slight_smile:

Went back and made a new render with Cycles :slight_smile: Amazing what a bit of tweaking can do to the result!


Volume Scattering :smile:

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