Section 1 - Lecture 12 Extra Challenge

I’m pleasantly surprised with how many people are going with a train subject.


Thanks, I plan on using all the models I create on the course to go into a final animation. I am also creating much more of a castle to go with the towers :slight_smile:

I made this stapler which was by my laptop. Hee- hee :smile:


I am far from finished at the moment, but can anyone tell what it is yet?

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It reminds me of a cot. :laughing:

I can see that, but no, babies wouldn’t be allowed anywhere near this

Your robot looks good. If you are liking this then don’t give up. Sometimes things can get frustrating but you seem to be getting the handle on it. Keep at it and never give up on anything you love. Time and determination makes for greatness. :sunny:

Wow, some of the things on this thread are amazing! I just started with a simple table and chair. Not as cool as a castle but it took me a while to get the legs in the right place.

I just went for the basics.I tried recreate my monitor that was just in front of me .

didnt realise this is where we posted our lesson 12 challenges woops!
I guess ill post mine here too I made a witcher 3 silver sword, not very detailed maybe i should add some runes


Apartment Image!

This is a quick apartment kitchen scene loosely based on work done by the Artist who inspired me to be an environment artist, Jeryce Dianingana. I enjoyed this part of the lessons, and can’t wait to get more art going!

You guys are all fantastic, I’m as much excited to see your progress as I am to see mine! Catch you all in the next challenge!

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The beginnings of a low-poly X-Wing…



Hey all! Everything here looks really great!

I decided to have a go at modelling our bedroom and thought I’d share. I’m pretty happy overall with how it turned out (some scaling may be a bit off and I didn’t spend too long worrying about lighting or camera angle).

Edit - I just noticed that I forgot to add the drawers to the little chest of drawers in the corner :rofl:. Update:


My simple gun :slight_smile:


I made a low poly Peterbilt 359. I tried going for more of a toy look, like it was made of wooden blocks, complete with simple bright colors. Added a monkey head with ruby eyes for a hood ornament.


blender is great. thats my mpc 1000.
Question: I made a new topic before I noticed this conversation and I cant find out how to delete it now. Let me know please. Thank You and have fun


A laptop, because it was literally the first thing I saw and I decided to model it. It was quite fun adding every button, quite soothing actually :smiley:


I am amazed of everyone’s work! great!
Myone is more simplistic, as I am still getting used to controls.Definitely will try something more complex :slight_smile:

I didn’t realize this is where we posted our lesson 12 challenges sorry
Here’s a bullet i made. It’s inspired by a lighter i have that looks like a bullet:


I posted a new post but should have put it here. still figuring out the forum. Enjoying the course so far!


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