Section 1 Final Challenge: We Get it, You Vape!

Decided to grab something off my desk and make a model.


Welcome, but what is it?

The title says, suggests. One of those vaping things, surrogate cigarette.
No I have never seen one either lol.

Welcome to this site.
Good first basic model. Keep it up.

Ahhh… I don’t smoke.

Now they do not ‘smoke’ they ‘steam’. :rofl:
Never smoked either, never been in my family as a habit fortunately so never took it up.

Sorry, I didn’t recognized it.
You see, how important it is to give some visual references to the subject.
And yes I don’t read titles … :flushed:

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No worries! :slight_smile: Yeah I am still learning how folks do things around here. Thank you very much for the feedback, looking forward to the next lesson!

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I’ve seen one. It looks like that :laughing: :+1:

Guys, it seems strange you don’t know about vapes. Right now, they are everywhere, like cigarettes in the 90s. They are easier to use and refill and aren’t that expensive. The people I know that smoke, all of them smoke vapes, like red crush e liquid. They know all these fancy titles of flavors and everything related to vapes. It seems strange to me because smoking looks manlier than vaping. But, some of them are without nicotine. It does less harm to your body than regular cigarettes or cigars, so decide for yourself.

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