Section 1.15: Final challenge(s)

Hello community,
A noob ‘3D-artist’ here.
Here’s my (rather rewarding when first seeing both finished products…) take on the first section’s final challenge.
First image was out of curiousity to see what i could do by playing with the parameters when adding basic shapes. The second one started with a single torus and ended up being an 800 meter long space ship (1:50 scale).
All critiscisms welcome.


Good work all round. There is a lot to be said for a reference of what the basic shapes can be adjusted to. Triangular prisms from a cylinder etc.

Great spaceship. Modular connected egg built. Secure from local hull breeches!

Welcome to this site!


welcome, great space ship. Add colors …?

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Coloring the spaceship would indeed make the model look even better. Will work on that later and post the rendered result here. But first more section 2 fun. :slight_smile:

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