Section 02 - Extruding Challenge

I made the temple of time using what the challenge allowed, using a 3D sketch format as the lecture suggested. I thought it was fitting as I did the Master Sword in it’s pedestal in the last section

here is my reference image


Oh it is from a game, not a real building.

Still a good copy.

Life getting circular, someone modeled that and put it in a game and now you copy their model! :grin:

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At this rate you’ll have a remake of Ocarina of Time when you finish the course!

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I am a nerd who is a shut-in that pretty much played Video Games for years because of that I find it easier to find a reference from games I played. I try to think of a reference from the real world my brain just becomes static haha.

In the end I’m trying to create mods for games, specifically character mods and that is why I started the blender course to familiarize myself with the world of 3D art :sweat_smile:

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I don’t think I’d be necessary as someone has been doing it on unreal engine for the past 6 years I think. Plus the 3DS version is already the best way to play it. Don’t think I could improve upon it any more.

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