
Thank you very much for this course it was so much fun !! I ended up with a purple surprised thing ! :smiley:


Great job!
Blender is so much fun (most of the time). :wink:

Are you planning a new character…?

I might try but I have a big issue with being creative and getting idea… I will for sure but I need time to think haha !

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Most artists get their inspiration from other artists and reuse, combine, and borrow aspects of other’s work and give their own twist to it. Nothing wrong to Google image, or look what other students did on Game Dev.

For subjects, you could browse our weekly Collab, or even participate!

Have fun, and try to spend some time each week on Blender to get more acquainted with Blender. Designing your own stuff will be easier if know basic Blender stuff from memory.

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