Roly-Poly is the Name

I think I’m going with the name Poly. (I actually wanted to go with A.N.T.H.3.M, but I couldn’t figure out a good reason to do that without sci-fi and flashing lights.)

So I’m settling with a roly-poly bug. I was thinking of going with a theme around control over nimble / agile. The player will be a sphere instead of a cube (wonder if I can paint in a little design - not my specialty) and I’m going to get into blender so I can work in a base with holes in it that the player can fall through I think (may think of some sort of alternative to the ball obstacles as well to avoid confusion).

For a goal: let’s say Poly is just a roly-poly bug trying to find food by the end of this.

I guess this would be something like a super-primitive version of Monkey Ball - though I’ve never played it.

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