My attempt at bowling pins and ball. Got totally sidetracked and lost a few hours playing with materials and rendering… ah well, I learned a few things
Very nice, I love the composition!
Thanks man, it was fun! Enjoying the course so far
This course is awesome!! I’m also having big time with it!!
So far one of the best render I seen for this section in my opinion! I really like it, did you follow any resource\tutorial for the materials?
Thanks for the kind words! I didn’t follow any guides other than this course, I just played around with the materials in Blender for a long time
I am playing with materials too, but it’s just that I can’t reach a similar result do you have some tips for me?
I wouldn’t worry about it tbh, you get more into materials in the next section when working on the chess set. Also you learn to use Cycles renderer later (Section 5) which produces better results but has a different materials workflow.
I can give you the settings I used though:
For the shiny reflective material on the pins I turned specular up to 1.0 and hardness to 500, then turned on Mirror with a reflectivity of 0.2. I also added a marble texture (textures are in the tab next to materials in the Properties window) with a colour close to the base diffuse colour for a bit more interest.
For the ball I turned specular intensity down to 0.2, reflectivity up to 0.3 but gloss amount down to 0.9. Turning the gloss down is what blurred the reflections on the ball. I also used a Cloud texture but it’s really subtle so you can’t really see it.
The stripes are Diffuse and Specular intensity 0.8, Hardness 100, no mirror.
Have fun
Thank you man for sharing your settings, I’ll try it to see the results! Meanwhile I moved forward to chess set lectures!