Ready for a puzzle?

OK, so I’m just using this as an excuse to play with the spoiler function.

Question: What is the solution to 3*(4+7)-1?

Hint 1:

Remember BODMAS: Brackets, Order (as in power), Division/Multiplication, Addition / Subtraction.

Hint 2:

Start with 4 + 7 = 11


4+7=11 3*11=33 33-1=32

EDIT: You can now do this from the cog menu.

The code for this is below so you can see how it works…

Question: What is the solution to `3*(4+7)-1`?

Hint 1:
[spoiler]Remember BODMAS: Brackets, Order (as in power), Division/Multiplication, Addition / Subtraction.[/spoiler]

Hint 2:
[spoiler]Start with 4 + 7 = 11[/spoiler]


BODMAS vs PEMDAS, add that to the UK vs US nomenclature!


My son came back speaking BIDMAS some time ago from school, with the I apparently being for inverse, interestingly something they didn’t go on to teach… nice… what’s the O stand for in your acronym above @DaveB?


Ignore… I just read the post above and saw “Order”… sigh… need coffee!

O = Order as in raising to the power of

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Yeah I think they dropped that one out at his primary school, would make sense, they cover square numbers and cubes but not in a particularly complicated way.

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