Question in the Spit & Polish lecture of Section 3: Project Boost

The rocket flops very slow when it tilts even though I did what Ben did in the code to remove rotation. Can anyone help me with this bug?

private void RespondToRotateInput()
    rigidBody.angularVelocity =;

    float rotationThisFrame = rcsThrust * Time.deltaTime;

    if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.A))
        transform.Rotate(Vector3.forward * rotationThisFrame); //z is forward; y is up; x is right

    else if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.D))
        transform.Rotate(-Vector3.forward * rotationThisFrame);

Hi Gavin,

The rocket looks as if it would be jumping when you click the Play button. Do the colliders of the rocket overlap the collider of the Launching Pad? Try to lift the rocket a bit.

It jumped because I pressed Space. The problem is the syrupy flopping.

Try to toy around with the first three values in the Rigidbody component.

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