Procedurally Spawned Characters

Feel free to post a new question on any of these other topics (to not clutter this thread). I’m pretty familiar with some of the issues you’re encountering and many of them have easy answers if you know where to look.

Decouple or digest… or unpack maybe? :slight_smile:

It would not expect the above suggestion to aggravate or cause coupling issues but I guess anything is possible.

Yeah things can get quite tricky with projectiles, projectile paths and collision detection. :slight_smile: If you have a subscription to something like ChatGPT, I often used it to help me find bugs. It wasn’t that great at writing code, but it was pretty good when I gave it my own code and asked it to find what was causing a certain type of bug.

Also - the math in 3d space usually has an easy answer so happy to take a quick stab at any of those kinds of questions. (Though I’ll admit there was one part of this course - finding a point off the ground in line with where you clicked that was surprisingly tricky despite having seemingly easy geometry).

Again feel free to post a new question and tag me if there’s anything math related. I’ll attempt to answer anything if it looks like it has an easy answer.

@Brian_Trotter will kill me for saying this, but… I do use GPT (GPT 3.5 though. I think 4 is an overkill, and it doesn’t do my designed tasks that well tbh… and I’m broke :crying_smile:)

I think I know how to solve this one though. Let me just give something a go, and see if it solves the problem :slight_smile: (it probably won’t, though, now that I think about it)

Solved the bug, but it’s almost midnight here… in the morning, I’ll give your suggestion a run :smiley:

last 4 days were the nightmare of unlocking the ranged weapons with the new third person system, combined with fixing my laptop that suddenly started running insanely slow, but I won’t send it for repairs because I don’t want anyone doing anything dumb… I’ll give it a run today

Let’s see what I can come up with :slight_smile:

Edit 1: Another delay… fixing bugs (AGAIN)

Nah, even I have given in to a little bit of AI madness… In my case, I use JetBrains Rider, already the best and most intelligent IDE in the C# world. They now have their own AI to answer questions and take care of boilerplate code. Because it’s trained specifically to work with C# and Unity, I get better answers in most cases (it still makes booboos from time to time). Don’t ask it how to bake a chocolate cake, but it’s a pretty good AI.

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Ehh I just need a companion by my side when things hit the roof

But eventually I learned that having a good friend (friends in our case) who understands the architecture just as well as you do is invaluable, because AI doesn’t know everything, especially with how our architecture works

Speaking of Jetbrains, I’ll probably check that soon as well. I’ll need the extra help too :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I’ve been using Rider for about 5 years… The great news for me is that I get a loyalty discount on the fee, the longer you use it, the more the discount. It’s a paid editor, but there are some things that are worth what you pay for them… VS Code is… Free… JetBrains is… $$ They’re both worth what you pay for them.

what does it have that VS Code doesn’t, which may be valuable for us? (I’m doing something else right now irrelevant to coding, and it’s taking its sweet time :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: )

A) It always works
B) It handles namespaces pretty much automatically if you create the script in Rider rather than creating it in Unity.
C) Automatically lets you open the source (via decompiling) of most Unity and virtually all standard C# functions.
D) Better code suggestions
E) XML comments (the ones with the //Summary, etc) actually work.
And many many little minor things that just make your life easier.

I was about to text you to have a quick review of my latest ‘DynamicNPCSpawner.cs’ script :sweat_smile:

Wait for my text :slight_smile:

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