Procedural Level Generation for Brick Breaker Game


I am interested to know about procedural generation of Brick or Block Breaker game. I have planned to create an Android App and launch it on the play store. Like a serious app with Admob integration but I am struggling with level generation. There’s no way I am making >500 levels manually.

Take the following game for example which does this very well:

They almost have an infinite number of levels.

Anybody has any idea on this subject?

Hi Animesh,

Procedual level generation is not part of our courses. However, you can find lots of free tutorials on Youtube. Also please feel free to ask our helpful community of students for advice over on our Discord chat server. :slight_smile:

Yes I agree, however it’s something very essential and important for becoming a professional in Gaming Industry or just become an Indie Dev.

What we have been learning is great and I have personally been able to release three simple games on itch and going for my fourth very soon however I have understood that making simple or just playable games are easy but production / release level content publishing is very difficult. So I attempted to create a simple yet production quality game that can make money or generate revenue and for that this procedural concept is essential. Most procedural generation tutorials or theories are on Terrain and Cave generation and it’s a bit hard to understand.

As a suggestion if the creators of the course can shed some light on this matter and explain with simple tutorials then it would benefit us all. It can be added to this simple block breaker game too. Hope you can pinpoint this request to the creators.

I will checkout youtube and discord for more info. Please close this topic.

I would suggest that you post your ideas in our “Ideas” subforum to allow other students to vote for it. Ben and Rick check the threads to get inspiration for their courses. :slight_smile:

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