Problems With Exporting Android Game

Hi I’m trying to make a game of my own and I want to export it on Android, but when I export it, it didn’t work out right. Here’s the image.

I’m using Android jdk1.8.0_161 (the 1.9 version didn’t work so I change to 1.8), Unity 2017.3.Of3
I also add a “Share” Button to Facebook and I think that’s where the problem is.
Could you guys help me to solve this problem?
Thanks guys :smile:

i posted this on another question. (you have done some of this)
This gets android working with unity … not sure about facebook

download the latest android studio. run and check the sdk manager check which sdk’s you have and install more if you want to build for a specific version.
java is included with it.

assuming windows …
I told unity about
sdk C:/Users/richp/AppData/Local/Android/Sdk
jdk C:/Program Files/Android/Android Studio/jre

I needed to tell windows system environment variables about JAVA_HOME because unity calls a script in the sdk and it doesn’t know where to find java.
notice the backward slashes
C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\jre

from the search on the task bar type environment variables , then select the system one offered.

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