PrintLine does not appear

Hi there,

I am following along and currently in the bullcowgame lecture 45. Using the in-game terminal.

Now when I start to type PrintLine, it does not appear in the box;

When I go into UE4, compile then play the hi there shows up in the terminal. I was just wondering with PrintLine not showing up will it cause an issue later on in the course or am I over thinking it?

This is an issue with 4.25 and VS Code projects

It’s been fixed for 4.26

Awesome, thanks for the reply, i will crack on with it then.

im having this issue, iv seen the link and it was not much help. is there anything than can be done to fix this I cant get passed “45. using the in game terminal” because printline is not identified when I go to compile (BullCow)

It wasn’t suppose to provide a solution. It was linked to show that it is a bug with Unreal and that it’s tracked and marked as fixed for 4.26 which isn’t even in preview release yet.

There’s supposed to be a lecture on this but the wrong video got uploaded.

  1. If you’re on Windows go to the lecture “Unreal 4.25 VS Code bug” and download the defines.txt.
  2. Then follow the instructions provided here
    File "BullCowCartridge.h" #include has ERROR
    If you’re on Windows use the defines from 1. if you’re on macOS use the defines in that post.

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