Post processing

I added a bit of a bloom and some ambient occlusion. In my case the reddish tinted ambient occlusion adds a bit of a dramatic effect of having a red sun shining on the planet…

One thing to note: When one adds effects and deletes them again, there is still a trace of their settings left in the GlobalPP asset file…
So it could be useful to add an independent second Post-Process component temporarily and use a different profile for experimenting…

Some things I could think of while going through the effects…

  • If the vignette would start with a completely shut viewport (I didn’t manage to) one could have some sort of opening effect from a completely black screen that widens into a full screen size picture.
  • If one moved the admiral from being blended directly into the Canvas to be filtered through a camera object one could add a bit of grain and simulate him being shown on some display and it being some remote communications.
  • The colour grading Rick demonstrated in the video can easily be used for a day/night light cycle.

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