Physics, pins just goes missing

One frame it’s there and the next it’s gone.

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Hi, be more precise!
Are you animating? Are you using Eevee? What is missing?

The animation was fine but the physics doesn’t render. I’m also using eevee to render.

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Hi Gelya,

This is odd can does this run as normal within blender and only when rendering its causing an issue?

@FedPete This is reference to the new lecture i have added in the bowling section using the timeline to override the physics system so we dont get the jittering of the pins due to them being made with a curve over extrusion.
Might be worth jumping back as its only been added recently last week.

If you can let me know on this as it may be you need to let the simulation run so it has the physics cached before you try animating.

Any issues please do upload the blend file here and we can take a look


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