I personally think that the direction chosen is the right way to go, I’m sorry @B4ttleCat if it is not the one you personally chose. This whole thing revolves around Unity with a bit of Unreal thrown in. The complete Unity course, the Blender course, the physics course, the Unity exam course, the VR course, and the upcoming RPG course are all based in Unity 3D. The only course offered by @ben that is the oddball course would be the Unreal course.
As far as the issues with commands in the engine, you will get that no matter what engine you use. That is why most games are PC only, and very few AAA games even make it to Mac. That is because they have to re-code all of the controls for the specific platform. Hence the reason that most Mac users either bootcamp with windows (like myself) or use a windows skin (like wine, parallels, etc). That’s also the main reason why most major games do not get ported from PC to console if they were mainly created for PC. MMOs are a great example of that. You couldn’t take a game like World of Warcraft and just port it to console without a huge rework of most of the code. Games like DC Universe, however, were created for both. For a long time, PC and Playstation players could not interact though. Sony finally got those 2 combined, but you still can not log into the same account on either PC or console… you have to have 2 separate accounts. They just recently added XBox One support, but they are segregated from everyone else.