Orc Progress

I started building blocks before listening to advice and so I ended up with the bottom part (legs and wirst) all togheter, but at the end it seems working out
I guess I spent too much time at this stage trying to shape properly but well, anyway it’s part of the excercise


by the way I found an interesting way to switch between parts
basically I’ve just to Left Click on the dot I’ve highlighted here in my screenshot (in the example I would have switched to the “belly” object)

I’ve Blender 2.91 so I don’t know if this is something added recently

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Orc is coming along nicely!

Though I think you put the topic into wrong category (unreal vs blender)


sorry, fixed the category :slight_smile:

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NICE! definately could use this as a refrence take this as a compliment :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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