Obstacle Course

Loving the Complete C# Unity Game Developer 3D Online Course - 2020. I can’t believe how well this is working for me. I’ve been banging my head against trying to learn to code for a long time now, and you have opened up so many doors for me. Thank you.

Here is my Obstacle Course I made for the lesson. Had a lot of fun with this and even figured out how to add some extras to it, like a working hit counter and changing materials instead of color, and turning on lights. I could have never done any of that before I started this course and now that I’m getting an understanding of c# I can’t wait to keep going.


Wow this is so good! I am so happy it clicked! :slight_smile:
I am excited to see what else you will create.

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Awesome work. So glad to see someone tried to go a little extra. Especially love the added lighting on the player and the balls when bumped into. :slight_smile:

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