Obstacle Assault; Project Setup; Load Error; T_Kit_Stairs_B_BC is invalid

I’m running into a load error when opening the Obstacle Assault project for the first time.

The summary for the package ‘/Game/LearningKit_Games/Assets/Architecture/Stairs/Texture/T_Kit_Stairs_B_BC’ is invalid. Check that the file is of the expected type and not corrupted.

It seems that I can ignore this error and continue on but I wanted to point this out as it does not appear in the tutorial video.

Also, the “Unreal Learning Kit” that is available to download presently, does not include the “:Games” at the end of the title as it does in the video. I suppose this is just a different build or something that is less significant. However, in light of the above load error and additional issue run into later with the version of Visual Studio Code and the json files, I thought this might be relevant.


Hmm, are you unable to access this version of ULK?

They released a new version (Now with robots), That old version seems to be unavailable to new users, the yellow box just says “Not for sale”.

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