Notes (for reference) on the Building Escape Section

In the old days, we’d go into a classroom, the teacher would talk and write on the board, and we’d try to take coherent notes with a pencil and notebook when it was impossible at the speed a professor typically went, and if your handwriting was like mine, they’d be unreadable too.

My sister went back to college recently and reported that while she had her notebook and pencil, all the “Yutes” (My Cousin Vinny reference) were clacking away at their laptops.

This is sort of, but not exactly like the last situation. I mentioned in another thread I was repeating Building Escape because I had forgotten too much of it. So, I wrote down the stuff I had forgotten as I re-encountered it, just the general outline, enough I could refer to it and bring it back to mind (perhaps with google-augmentation).

I then reorganized it somewhat so it was by category more than by lecture, though the categories are “almost” in lecture order. So, there it is.

If you want the source to expand it to your own notes, it’s in that directory, the UnrealNotes.odt file, or an older file (for those who know LaTeX), UnrealNotes.tex (which truly is in lecture order, but very disorganized). Or if you like the old-fashioned lecture style, print it out and use a pencil to make additional notes right on the pages as you watch the videos in the course. Such as what I should have done: which lecture number for which topic so it could be reviewed!

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