Need Urgent Help To Finish My Project! Hand Over Is Tonight!

I need help very very urgent!
If anybody has free time or is in good helping mood I would love if he would DM/PM on discord me! My username is @dieweltentdecker.
It is very urgent because tonight I have to hand over the whole game. Currently the game has not really a function. Im completly stuck and my mood is in the cellar.
What I have done:

  1. I programmed a grid based building system.
  2. I added some vehicles.
  3. Played around with the camera settings.

What I need to have done:

  1. Grid bases building system (DONE)
  2. Good camera settings (DONE)
  3. Vehicles that can drive on the ground around. They should move to the users click location with pathfinding.
  4. I need a premade movement of the vehicles running at the right time.

At the end of this message I provide a full unity package, so if somebody is intrested in helping me he can download it and has the exact same files as I have.

Feel free to help me!


BTW: I was not sure with category I should choose. Because it not really belongs to the course. I already asked on discord. But maybe here are more social people. :slight_smile:


Thank you for your request. With more than 250,000 students to support, I’m afraid I do not have time to help with problems that are outside the scope of this course. Please feel free to ask our helpful community of students over on our Discord chat server. :slight_smile:

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