Mythical Chess Start - Pawn2 - Skeleton

Aaaaaaand I’m back!!!
Who could’ve thought making a skeleton would take me…forever… ( •__• ’ )
Anyways, here’s an army of Skellys vs. an army of Bunnies!


Good work!!

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Interesting low poly skeleton, though I can not see why they would be the other side to a bunny team!

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dude I love this. so creative, great job.

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Because…one side is fluffy and the other…edgy (. _ .’) at least I’m trying to make it like that :sweat_smile: like good vs. evil type of thing :sweat_smile:

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Good work and nice skeleton!

Btw. the skeleton is holding heart, isn’t it? What a coincidence!

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Killer work! I hope you keep going with this, I would love to see the completed set of pieces exploring the Cute vs. Scary theme you have going.

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What a coincidence indeed :joy: however, his heart is not meant for giving away, he is protecting it, because it fell out of his chest :disappointed: sad story :joy:


Thank you! I do believe I am stubborn enough to finish this :joy:


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