My Treasure Hunter TripleX game

#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>

void PrintIntroduction( int PasswordCodeSum, int PasswordCodeMultiplication, int Difficulty)
    std::cout << R"("               
                    s$P*.s$$$s.`*T$$b T TP$P.d$P .sd$s.                
                .s$P .s$$$$$$$b. T$$b T:P d$$P.d$$$$$$bs.             
               d$$P d$$$$P'`T$$$b $$$;:$bd$$$$$$b`T$$*$$$b.           
              d$$P d$$$P' .+. *$$:$$$;.$$$P^*""*^b.$$b T$$$b          
             d$P .d$$$b.s$$$$$b TP^TP dP',d$$$$$s.`T$$b T$$$b         
            d$P d$$P T$$$P*""*^b.b d,P^*"*^T$$$$$$$b`T$b$$$$$.        
           ,$P d$P .$$$P'       `'*`        `T$$$$$$$b`T$$$$$$         
           :$ d$P d$$$P                       `T$$$$$$b TPT$$$b        
          :$$d$$ d$$$P                          T$$$$$$b T.`T$$;       
          :$$$$$d$$$P                            T$$$$ $b T.T$$:       
          $$$$$P$$$$                              T$$$$T$b T `T$       
          $P$$$;$$$;                               T$^$b Tb b :$       
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           \    `$$;:$; +:$$$:$$;*      *:$; +:$$$:$$;  :     /        
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                                   `..'                 :$$$$;$$$b`T$$;
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    )" << "\n\n";
    std::cout << R"(

    )" << "\n\n";

    std::cout << R"(
         /$$      /$$           /$$                                                           
        | $$  /$ | $$          | $$                                                           
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        | $$$$_  $$$$| $$$$$$$$| $$| $$      | $$  \ $$| $$ \ $$ \ $$| $$$$$$$$               
        | $$$/ \  $$$| $$_____/| $$| $$      | $$  | $$| $$ | $$ | $$| $$_____/               
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        |__/  |__/ \______/ |__/  |__/   \___/   \_______/|__/                                
    )" << "\n\n";

    std::cout << "You are now a Treasure Hunter try to get the precious treasure" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "To get the treasure you need to input the correct password for level " << Difficulty <<"\n\n";

    std::cout << "There are 3 numbers in the password code" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "The password codes add-up to: " << PasswordCodeSum << std::endl;
    std::cout << "The password codes mutiply to give: " << PasswordCodeMultiplication << "\n\n";

bool PlayGame(int Difficulty)
    int PasswordCodeA{ rand() % Difficulty + Difficulty }, PasswordCodeB{ rand() % Difficulty + Difficulty }, PasswordCodeC{ rand() % Difficulty + Difficulty };
    std::cout << PasswordCodeA << " " << PasswordCodeB << " " << PasswordCodeC;
    int PasswordCodeSum{ PasswordCodeA + PasswordCodeB + PasswordCodeC };
    int PasswordCodeMultiplication{ PasswordCodeA * PasswordCodeB * PasswordCodeC };

    int GuessA{}, GuessB{}, GuessC{};
    int GuessSum{}, GuessMultiplication{};

    PrintIntroduction(PasswordCodeSum, PasswordCodeMultiplication, Difficulty);

    std::cout << "Please enter your guess password codes: ";
    std::cin >> GuessA;
    std::cin >> GuessB;
    std::cin >> GuessC;

    GuessSum = GuessA + GuessB + GuessC;
    GuessMultiplication = GuessA * GuessB * GuessC;

    if (GuessSum == PasswordCodeSum && GuessMultiplication == PasswordCodeMultiplication)
        std::cout << "Proceed to next level!" << std::endl;
        return true;
        std::cout << "Wrong answer please try it again!\n\n";
        return false;

int main()
    int LevelDifficulty{ 1 };
    constexpr int MaxLevel{ 5 };


    while (LevelDifficulty <= MaxLevel) // Loop 
        bool bLevelComplete{ PlayGame(LevelDifficulty) };
        std::cin.clear(); // Clear any errors
        std::cin.ignore(); // Discard the buffer

        if (bLevelComplete)

    std::cout << "You have won an Acient Precious Treasure!" << std::endl;

    return 0;

Sorry for long code

1 Like

WOW :star_struck: Very impressive!

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