My Models

I made two models, a table and a well. I think I may have learned all about the importance of reference images with these…


In your own words why is it important to reference images?

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Good examples!
The bricks of the well are a bit different to the specs.
No layers of bricks. Maybe you could explore that a bit to get more experience?

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Reference is vital, people notice things are ‘odd’ even if they can not explain what it is that is wrong.
So is observation, your bricks on the well wall do not alternate per layer. The roof tiles and battens they sit on have no support either.

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With the well, I mainly just went from imagination (which harmed the end product in my opinion). With the table, however I was able to look closer into details I would have otherwise looked over had I gone from imagination, which despite it being simpler, I think it turned out better than the well…

I agree, I think had I paid more attention to detail on the well, it would have turned out better than it did. Thank you for the feedback!

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