So I tried to create a bit different mech and I am pretty happy with the results! can’t wait to further develop it and add materials and maybe some rigs and animations at the end of the course!
Looking really great! Great job!
Thank you! I would love to learn how to move the legs with procedural animations later on, I think it would look so cool!
Yep! Perhaps I can help when you get to that stage. I’m no expert rigger but I’ve rigged a few characters so perhaps I could offer a little guidance just to get started with it.
Can’t wait to see it moving!
Thank you so much! I really appreciate your help it means a lot to me!
I will definitely share my progress further and when I get there I would be so grateful for your help
A very good and creative adaptation of the course mech.
I look forward to it’s progress with updated colours etc.
Welcome to this site.
Thank You! It really gave me a bit of confidence that I could actually model it and the positive feedbacks keep me motivated further! Right now i’m really eager to keep going and improving both my skills and the mech!
Welcome and that is a great mech, it’s good you tried to do something different. It has turned out really good!
Great take on the Mech - will be cool with colours.
Thank you for your Feedback! I am working on the materials right now and will share my progress soon!
Thank You! Yeah I’m working on it’s materials right now and will keep updating it as well
Looks like a roller droid from star wars!! I love it!!
Welcome to this site Flaminghorselord.