Hello, this is my take on Laser Defender.
Click here to play it on gamebucket!
Musics were made by me with www.beepbox.co It is really cool chiptune music maker. It is really easy to use that even novice like me can use. Quality is not really the best one out there but it is perfect for these kind of small games and gamejams.
Soundeffects were also made by me with “Bfxr” 8-bit sound generator. Really easy to use! www.bfxr.net
Bonus features:
- 2 Enemy types
- Damage animations on enemies
- Particles used in explosions, thruster and shooting
I found really bizarre problem when building my build (Unity 2017.3.1f1). Somehow in BUILD version “EnemyFormation” didn’t spawn enemy ships at all when “child” objects were prefabs. In the editor it worked fine.
But when I added normal transform objects to it, then it worked.
This was not a fix what I’m proud of but it worked… maybe enemyspawner can’t find “position” prefabs objects in build. Could it be problem in object load execution order or something?
This was a really good head scratcher. I firstly thought it was animation glitch or something, but after few hours of debugging and searching the internet I added 1000 x 1000 texture sprite to enemyformation to see if it even spawns to the game. When single enemy spawned to the center of the sprite, I realized that problem is in there.