My Gravestones stopped wobbling

Issue I had is the Gravestones would only wobble once or twice while under attack from Lizard.

The fix I used was to edit the Lizard prefab | RigidBody 2D | Sleeping Mode = “Never Sleep”.

Based on answer here:


Thank you, TorrqTB! I had the same problem and was happy to see your solution posted here in the discussion section. I actually experienced a similar problem a year or so ago on a game at work and we resolved it another way without actually diagnosing the cause. Now I know! Thanks again.

I came here looking for this exact issue. Thanks for the info. Works perfectly now!

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That was also my problem, thank you!

Thank you so much!
I spend a lot of time to came here…

Really thank you… you saved me a lot of time!

I wish I would have checked here earlier. I searched online and found the same solution on the unity forum here. Thanks for the heads up for future students!

Spent a couple of hours myself trying to solve this. Thanks for posting.

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