My game has problems on other computers

So i recently just finished making a beta for my little Game Tropical Tantrum and uploaded an HTML in game browser to I had a friend of mine test it out on his laptop and he was having problems where the jump would go bonkers and shoot up or go really high. I then tried using a different laptop in my house and had the same problem. At first i thought something was wrong with m code but i tried playing it in Unity and in but i wasnt having the same problems as much as i tried to break the game. its like it wasnt even the same game. This is how the ball movement works for me.

and then u can see the game in how it works differently for other computer [Works fine on mine]

Does anyone have a clue whats wrong? or do i have to build my game differently? that seems like the only reasonable thought so far even tho when i play it on my laptop on its fine

Hi Jayy,

The best would be create a developer build. Please follow Rob’s instruction: WebGL Debugging

ill be trying this. thank u Nina

Question The first half of the instructions are a bit confusing and hard for me to understand because i dont know exactly how or where to go for the first two steps. Do i start at the developrt build or the very first two steps. All of this is very intimidating and im not one to shy away from a challenge but i know i shouldnt put my hand on the stove when i dont know how to cook, or else ill get burnt (if that analogy made any sense). in other wards i dont feel to sure about going around and pressing buttons that i dont know what they do. Is there anyone specific i can talk to or go to for this because it doesnt seem like a simple problem. I have all of my commits recorded on github all my files organized and everything so it wouldnt be that bard for me to help someone help me along with this lol

Unfortunately, we can help you with course projects only.

Creating a game with “development build” enabled won’t break anything. However, it can help you narrow down issues in a build.

When you develop games, it’s advisable to test it on multiple devices before shipping it. If your friend detects a bug, you’ll have to recreate it, ideally on one of your own devices, to be able to fix it.

Please feel free to ask our helpful community of students for advice in our official Discord chat.

Sounds good enough. i was assuming id have to just rebuild a few times to get one without errors and such and ill use discord.

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