My escape puzzle layout

My escape game plan:

  1. Start at room 1, go to room 2, find an artifact (1) / step on hidden brick and unlock room 3.
  2. Unlock the exit room [7] but having no artifact to proceed to final puzzle / go to room 3, find a chest, solve the puzzle, and unlock room 4.
  3. Find a door inside room 4 to go into room 5, solve P3 puzzle, unlock room 6, find an artifact, needed for final room [7].
  4. Go to final room, place an artifact on the altar, solve P4 and win!

P1 - draw 9 points with 4 continuous lines.
P2 - matchstick / math rebus puzzle
P3 - guess the strings to play using some legend. Some story about shepherds which helps the player to play 2 (maybe more) right strings in right order.
P4 - BullCowGame puzzle.


Congratz, nice design! :wink:

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