My current head version

Hi guys,

here is the current version of the head I am sculpting. What do you think?


First impression: good.
But I think the ears are too small.
Eyes are about1/5 of the head frontal width …

That said, heads are extremely difficult. So you did a very good job.

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Thank you, I appreciate your feedback.

Now that you said it, I cannot unsee that the ears are to small. They will need a retouch. How about the eyes. I know they should be 1/5 of the frontal head space and I kind of messured it beforehand. Would you say they are too small or too big?

Thanks in advance


There are some “rules of thumb” ?

  • ears between eyes and nose.
  • Eye size 1/5 of the head.

But every person is different, so it’s an approximation.

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that’s helping me a lot. Thank you for your time!

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