Move Raycast on the enemy

Hi Guys, To begin, I’m Italian therefor I apologize in advance for bad English…
I’ve a question on my raycast code, is based on Ben’s code but i use direct movement so it works completely different, i want use the player raycast system on the enemy, i think should be enough pass a value for player or enemy, put a if statement that switch the variables (EnemyLayer/Component=>PlayerLayer/Component)
I’m also looking for detecting if the target is moving, for do this i need to get the rigidbody component or there is another way?

The Code Detect the targets with a custom collider, add/remove from a List of target, switch from target, detect if the target is behind a wall (not visible) or if is visible detect if he is behind a cover object or totally clear.
That,s the Code

public class Trigger_Target : MonoBehaviour

    [SerializeField] GameObject laserAimStartPoint;        
    [SerializeField] float aimOffset = 1f;
    public GameObject Target_Selected=null;

    public List<GameObject> Target_List;        
    private float maxRaycastDepth = 100f;
    private int i=0;
    private int state; // 0 for not visible, 1 for inCover, 2 for clean Target

    const int ENEMY_LAYER = 10;
    const int ENVIROMENT_LAYER = 11;
    const int COVER_LAYER = 16;
    const int WALKABLE_LAYER = 9;

    public delegate void Target_State(int target_State);
    public event Target_State NotifyTargetState;

    private void Start()
    //Detecting Enemy
    private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider enemy)
        if (enemy.GetComponent<Enemy>())

    private void OnTriggerExit(Collider enemy)
        if (Target_Selected &&
            Target_Selected = null;
        else Target_List.Remove(enemy.gameObject);
    //TO DO Check Accurately if all Ok then Remove
    /*private void OnTriggerStay(Collider enemy)
        if (Target_List.Contains(enemy.gameObject)) { }
        else if (enemy.GetComponent<Enemy>())

    private void Update()
        if (Target_Selected)

    public void Raycast_Enemy()
    {   if (Target_Selected)
            Vector3 raycastDir = (Target_Selected.transform.position+new Vector3(0,aimOffset,0)) - laserAimStartPoint.transform.position;
            Ray fire = new Ray(laserAimStartPoint.transform.position, raycastDir);                

            if (RaycastForVisibility(fire)) { return; } //Check if Enemy is visible
            if (RaycastForInCover(fire)) { return; }    //Check if Enemy is in Cover               

    private bool RaycastForVisibility(Ray fire)
        RaycastHit hitInfo;
        LayerMask layerMask = (1 << ENVIROMENT_LAYER)|(1<<ENEMY_LAYER)|(1<<WALKABLE_LAYER); 
        Physics.Raycast(fire, out hitInfo, maxRaycastDepth,layerMask);
        GameObject gameObjectHit = hitInfo.collider.gameObject;            
        var EnemyHit = gameObjectHit.GetComponent<Enemy>();

        if (EnemyHit)
            return false;
            if (state != 0)
                state = 0;
            return true;
    private bool RaycastForInCover(Ray fire)
        RaycastHit hitInfo;
        LayerMask layerMask = (1 << COVER_LAYER) | (1 << ENEMY_LAYER);
        Physics.Raycast(fire, out hitInfo, maxRaycastDepth,layerMask);
        GameObject gameObjectHit = hitInfo.collider.gameObject;            
        var coverHit = gameObjectHit.GetComponent<InCover>();
        var enemyHit = gameObjectHit.GetComponent<Enemy>();

        if (coverHit)
            if (state != 1)
                state = 1;                    
            return true;
        else if (enemyHit)
            if (state != 2)
                state = 2;                    
            return true;
            return false;

    public void Target_Selection()
        //Selecting Target
       if (i <= Target_List.Count - 1)
       //Resetting Target Selection
        else if (i > Target_List.Count - 1)
            i = 0;                
            Target_List.RemoveAll(GameObject => GameObject == null);    //Removing destroyed Object            

        //Remove Target Selection 
       else if (Target_List.Count == 0)
            Target_Selected = null;

    private void Target_Switch(int List)
    {   if (Target_List.Count > 0)
            Target_Selected = Target_List[i];


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