Moonlight Mayhem--Bosses, Power-ups, and Health Bar!

Moonlight Mayhem!–Click Here to Play


Fire or Shoot = Space Bar (Can hold this down too)
Move = Arrow keys or WASD keys


Survive for as long as you can and get the highest score possible!


Any feedback both positive and constructive criticism would be greatly appreciated as well. Thanks! :grinning:

This looks great! The boss it pretty cool and feels satisfying to kill. The slowness of the red “bomb” projectiles was a great choice. They can become quit the challenge. I like how the power ups bounce around the level, making them a little harder to pickup sometimes. The wave laser is really fun also. It creates a source of hope when things get really hectic!

A few things I think you could improve on. The sound effect for the player laser may be a little too loud. It kind drowns out the other audio. Also the wave laser destroys the player if he collides with it. This is hard to do, but I did discover it by accident. If you are flying forward and get the wave laser pick you then go left or right you will hit it and die. If this was intentional I would be curious to here your thoughts on why it functions this way.

Also, wanted to say I like you “How to Play” screen. Where did you get the button images?

Thanks for the feedback! I really appreciate it. I think you were right about the player laser being too loud. I originally had everything a bit louder so it would balance out, but then the explosion sounds I got for the boss were too soft…so I lowered all of the other sounds to compensate…but I forgot to adjust the player laser. Thanks for the tip as well with the wave laser. I had created a layer for it, but forgot to assign the layer to it :sweat_smile:

I made the changes, but I just need to figure out how to upload the new one to to replace the old one…still very new to The one we use for the class “sharemygame” wasn’t working for me the other day…I saw on the comments that other people were having issues as well…so maybe the site is having some issues?

I got the buttons from here:

Game should be fixed now. You can still click the original link above. Here are the updates:

  • Fixed the sound on some of the projectiles so they aren’t too loud.

  • Fixed the wave laser so it can’t kill the player.

  • Made screen size a little smaller so it can be played on smaller screens like laptops.

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