Microwave piracy (and a little bit of self-introduction)

Yup, you read that right :smiley:
I started using Blender on-and-off back in 2010 (v 2.49b was my first), not really more than just fiddling around. Very overwhelming interface!

Anyway, a couple years later, May 2012, the microwave oven in the flat I rented back then broke. Door wouldn’t stay shut.
I did some surgery on it, and found that a small plastic hook had broken off. Then I had a marvellous idea: what if I made a new part in some 3D tool and sent it to Shapeways to get 3D printed?
Of course, Blender was my CAD choice (= I didn’t have anything else :laughing:).

After a couple of hours of measuring and messing around in Blender (I learned a great deal out of pure necessity!), here is the 3D result:

Yes I was super proud of myself!

So, off it went to Shapeways, and a bit later I got back the finished result:

Black part = original
White part = new one

You can see there is a small hook missing at the bottom of the black one. And yes those hollowed out areas saved me money (because of less material used), but I got lazy and didn’t bother with the smaller ones (+ a bit scared it would break). Total price (excluding shipping) was ~10 €!

Time to mount it in place:

And yay, microwave oven now worked again :smiley: And I probably pirated a microwave oven for the first time in human history, if that’s even possible :laughing:

So, that’s how I really started using Blender. As a CAD program…oh well. I eventually got my act together and now use it for actual 3D graphics :laughing:


That is real nice story, and you done it all real good. :+1:
Making 3D models of parts and printing them is very useful method of fixing things, or even making new ones.
Although from a practical point of view, that would make sense if you had one of them big hooks broken. If that little hook in the bottom is the only problem - I pretty sure I would fix it with just a knife in few minutes. Just cut out hooklike shape from what is left of it and stretch the spring if necessary. Or make a hole in it and tie the spring to it with some thread or wire. I can probably come up with a few more ways of solving the problem right away with what you got under hand.

Very overwhelming interface!

3D modelling is complicated stuff, you can get used to it in a while, then customize interface completely if you know what you’re doing.

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I did something like this, for my toilet.
For me, it is a very recognizable story.
3D models should be part of the hardware package. Manual, 3D models and your microwave. In one buy!
Thanks for sharing.


I absolutely agree! All stuff you buy should come with 3D models so you can make your own spare parts when necessary :slight_smile:

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