Massive Assumption we all have an iphone

Massive Assumption we all have an iphone and our scientific calculators look like that …

Hi Eddie,

In which course and lecture are you?

Hey Nina
These questions have come from the Maths course and link off the lectures.
Implication then is they’ve been set up wrong if you don’t know where they’ve come from…
Kind regards

Do you know in which lecture you were? I’d like to forward the problem to Ben. (I actually did it for another course but, unfortunately, he was not able to find a broken or incomplete link there.)

Regarding your initial comment, is it criticism? If so, what could Ben improve in your opinion? Of course, you are not obliged to own or use an iPhone. I don’t have one either. When you browse our forum, you’ll notice that I mainly depend on my good old Casio. :slight_smile:

One was the - The Magic of E and I guess one of the two after.

The links at the bottom for ‘Discussion’ then ‘Ask’ are obviously taking it to here and the questions are not staying under the lecture course.

Seems like it’s “oh we have to do a maths course lets just go through a calculator i’ve on my Iphone and read off wiki”.
Part of one lecture explains the layout correlation between the buttons (one above and one below doing opposites) which is may only relevant to that layout and not the calculators I’m looking at…

Most lectures so far have not yet linked to a games or a computer scenario and I’ve not used most in 30 + years since school and I see little relevance to life or use…

One was the - The Magic of E and I guess one of the two after.

I tested a bunch of lectures. The tags were working for me. Maybe the problem is already fixed. Thanks for mentioning the lectures anyway. I’m going to keep an eye on them.

Part of one lecture explains the layout correlation between the buttons (one above and one below doing opposites) which is may only relevant to that layout and not the calculators I’m looking at…

I always thought that calculators look similar to one another. Whether the buttons are on the right side, at the top or somewhere else does not really matter. What matters is the label on the buttons. I think that was what Ben wanted to teach in lecture “Sideways Calculators” (7_IA_MFG).

Most lectures so far have not yet linked to a games or a computer scenario and I’ve not used most in 30 + years since school and I see little relevance to life or use…

The course is still early access. I assume @ben is going to add information how to apply maths in games. :slight_smile:

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