Low Poly Horse Animation

Recently completed Low Poly Characters by Grant Abbitt. I did this horse model and then animated with four key frames for a basic walk. I put the mesh up before in reply to another person’s beautiful tiger model. I used reference images from Encyclopedia Brittanica for the mesh and got the key frames from an article on wikipedia; the heritage Muybridge film.

I would like to add a little more detail around mouth and nose and later do a more realistic model using this as a base mesh. Hope you like?
Low Poly Horse Animation


I think, that if this is yours first animation, it looks quite good to me :slight_smile: would that be also a game asset as your castle?


I think so. For my animation I applied a subdivision surface to pretty up but it would look okay without. I am still learning about game readiness but I understand that you can use super low poly for long shots and then increase poly density as the character /model gets closer.
I have practiced animation with other’s characters. One of the reasons for me wanting to learn character design is to understand better how animation works.
My animation could certainly be improved by adding a little sideways movement on hips for instance. I eventually hope to purchase the Muybridge plates in digital form when I get around to budgeting.
Thanks for your interest.


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