Low-Poly Environment Final Render

This was super fun, the course had a lot of little things I’ve missed used picking up pieces of blender as I went. Cant wait to start on Grant’s other courses.

I went with a Wizard’s hut, tried some stained glass and gave em a hottub!


Welcome to this site.

Those are some very nice alterations to the base course house you have made.

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awesome! digging the telescope and extra architecture

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Did you take screenshots of your rendered image? Or is there a way to download a higher rez from blender?

On the right where the modifier/render/image protperties menus are theres one right under render called ‘output’ click on that and the first box should be ‘Format’ and there should be a resolution option there!

Hopefully that helps!

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I’ll give it a shot, thanks

figured it out, after i hit f12, for render… i need to save the image…
i was taking screen shots

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Ahhh! I get it now, I’ve done the same! Glad you got it figured out!

Well done.

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Awesome! This turned out great! The balcony and the back window are sooo perfect!

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