Lives System messed up in WebGLBuilld

i rather do the art and music tbh

What’s your goal? What do you want to achieve with this course?

to make games but i feel i can not code and perhaps i need to know my limitations

i gone over the course a lot but my brain isn’t wired for coding there is some kind of mental block

all i want is to get the game finished tbh but this is holding me back and has made me feel depressed. i have worked so hard

Coding is a skill, just like creating art or music, you just have to learn how to do it, it takes time, for some more than others, but anyone can learn how to code.

I’m gonna propose you something, I’ll send you the code (it will take me around two days), you just gotta do the art and levels so you can finish this game, but promise me this, you are gonna re-start the course and every time you have a question you are gonna ask here in the forums, even the smallest question.

ok i will

Ok, deal!

I’ll send you the package asap, I won’t modify it much, just wanna solve some other bugs like losing a life after all the blocks have been destroyed, you can lose a life during the fade, which shouldn’t occur and other minor stuff.

It will be about the 4th time i started course from the begging. My screen time per day is about 11 hours i work very hard. I think i have learning difficulties when it comes to certain things. Coding is one of them. It’s double dutch to me most of the time.

Maybe that’s the issue, you are pushing yourself too hard, take a rest.

Its one of the few things keeping me going. I have to keep myself busy.

Mmm… Do you want me to record the refactoring of your code? You could learn a thing or two, I won’t narrate anything tho, just work on it.

Also, check this video, it might help you a lot:

what ever you think may help. I know you have spent a lot of time helping me and i really appreciate that. Coding is my weakness but i am new to it.

Yes i know dont run before you can walk. Just i been over the course a lot and certain things are not sinking in. Well its the coding

I managed to solve the sticking paddle in scene 1 from pause menu so er hmmm it’s a promising start
public void Loadmenu()
Time.timeScale = 1f;
GameIsPaused = false;

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