L28 S2. Edge loop selection at 4-edge pole junction experiment

Good evening. In regards to the edge loop selection discussed in time range between 1:42 to 1:52 in Lecture 28 Section 2

I decided to conduct an experiment and to see what happens as illustrated in the image below.

The knife tool (shortcut k) was used to perform this operation, taking care that the key connecting vertices (circled in red) where clicked

The edge select was retried precisely in the same manner it was conducted at the time line 1:22 to 1:24. Now the vertical edge loop selection span across the whole pyramid with the exception of the base as I haven’t joined the connecting vertices

The purpose of this experiment was to see what happen if the top section of the pyramid have been connected diagonally. So I decided to share if this will be helpful experience

I will see if I can set some time to experiment what happen if the base is diagonally cut in the same manner the top was

Best regards

Ahmed Anis

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