Knight to STL issue

So I am quite happy of my Knight. However I have issues when exporting to STL file:
creating the mane, I couldn’t get a proper shape - it was creating something like spikes, so I created it as a separate primitive and joined to the knight with Boolean modifier → union.
It is working good on Chitubox, however there is a hole where Knight’s face is (pic) - it is happening either on Mirror modifier applied or not. On Lychee it is creating a gap between the mane and the body (pic). The size of my STL file is 1000x lower than should be (pic).
I removed all doubles and checked on normals - there looks all good.

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Check your file for ‘non manifold’. Edit mode, select by trait, non manifold. That should find all holes which are vital to 3d printing.

There is also a 3D printing built in add on you may like to explore. Enable in Edit; Preferences.

I would also apply all modifiers, although stl export does it automatically I believe. I would prefer to do it deliberately and check for issues first.

Thank you, that helped a lot.
3D-Print tool is amazing, found so many issues! Some of them it can correct it-self, however when I used to do my own, I had more control on object change/no-change.
If it is going about units on export to STL: I checked to use scene units or apply scale, however this doesn’t help. Only when in original Blender export window I typed in Transform section, Scale 1000 that exported correct size. I don’t know why, as we changed units from meters to centimeters, and this is 1/100. However finally works.
Thank you for help and suggestion to use 3D Print add-on.


You can reset scale in blender but I think it is probably easier to leave it be and just know the scale models, 1000. as you found at the end.

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Blender uses meters by default. But it’s just a number.
So another package uses millimeters …

Check manuals!

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