Just wanted to share

Any feedback appreciated. My attempt at a Space Marine Helmet. I really like the effect it got after renedering with cycles.


Almost there… Just gotta tweak the colours and finish the face :smiley:

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Just one more step :slight_smile:


That’s coming along very nicely.

I now learned, that it would be way better to just produce one half of the helmet and later mirror it. Since I’m a complete beginner i basically just manually moved all the vertices until it looked right and it’s not perfectly symmetrical. But After advancing in the course some more, I believe I’d be able to do it better and faster next time. I’m leaving it at this stage, but will update with a brand new one, once I’m done learning :slight_smile:

You’ll be surprised by how often this is the way to do it lol

Btw, it’s looking nice as is and I maybe you can stick with it!

To make both sides even, as you found out you can apply a Mirror modifier.
You can apply it at any time and you don’t have to start modeling with it…
Just make sure the Origin of the object is in the exact middle, just delete the left half(use Z before selecting) and apply the mirror, clipping enabled.
And then you can also add a Subsurf modifier if it doesn’t have yet (try hotkey CTRL+1, 2, 3)
(if your model has triangles it won’t work good in some parts though, it works better with only quads)

You may need some “support edge loops”, to hold some shapes though. For example the hard edges of the object may need some edges close to them. (I don’t like Crease much)

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